Thursday, November 3, 2022

Blog4Peace 2022

Hello dear Pals in all Time Zones!

We haven’t posted lately and our regrets, but we did want to pop in and remind you BLOG4PEACE starts tomorrow. Won’t you join Mimi and Blog4Peace?  If you cannot write a few words, that’s okay.  Everyone is so busy, just let your beautiful hearts radiate your love and pray for peace for this beautiful planet.

Here are some links June and Ann over at Zoolatry provided in case you’d like to grab a badge, or read about it.

Onyx and I will stop our fighting and sit silently together for a few minutes each day and pray for peace.

Thank you!

With peace and love 💕 

Peek.a.Boo and Onyx


  1. It is good of you two to be at peace a we celebrate Blogblast for Peace.
    Now if only we could get all humans to do it....
    Purrs, Julie

  2. We are so furry happy to see you on such a wonderful day! Purrs and Peace to you all! Marv

  3. I love that you are sitting silently and praying for peace. What if the whole world did that? Problem solved.

    Thank you for these reminders and for caring about peace. Peace to you and yours, Mimi

  4. My favorite blog holiday of the year! I wouldn't miss it.

  5. I love all those beautiful faces on your banner. The critters need a peaceful world too.
